
"Wings of Fascination"  is a charity foundation of the  Thomas Fassin Family.

This foundation started in 2012.

Our family foundation and our family company “Royal Fassin” support several charity projects.

Our philosophy

The word "philanthropy" originates from what the Greeks called "fil-anthra-pi" which means "the love of fellowman". This is the basis of our foundation.

The main focus of our support is on projects that benefit the future of children and preserve nature. 100% of the revenues will flow into these projects and all of the work is on a voluntary basis.

Our aim is to make a difference:
To give a warm “heart” and “wings” to people and nature projectsWingsoffascination-logo-poppetje


Ades Solaire (Madagascar)

WWF (Africa)

Stichting Together (India)

Cocoa for Schools (Tanzania)

SoS Children villages (Chad)

Ades Solaire (Madagascar)

Personal story

In 2012 I visited Madagascar with my family. It is one of the poorest countries of the world. After my visit to Madagascar I decided to start with our own family charity foundation, “Wings of Fascination” (WoF). I am lucky to be born in a country where there is no poverty and big challenges like Madagascar is facing. WoF supports projects of Ades Solaire. The main reason for deforestation is the need for wood used for cooking. The Swiss organization Ades Solaire produces and promotes solar cookers and wood efficient cookers for the people of Madagscar.

WoF supports projects of Ades Solaire

The main challenge in Madagascar is de-forestation and climate change. And the main reason  for deforestation is wood which is needed for cooking. The Swiss organization Ades Solaire produces and promotes solar cookers and wood efficient cookers for the people of Madagscar.

Website Ades Solaire

WWF (Africa)


Southern Africa is home to some of the world’s most majestic and beautiful animals. Elephants gather around watering holes, cheetahs hunt their prey, and packs of wild dogs roam the savannas.

Five African countries recognized the value in protecting these species—both for the good of wildlife and the communities that rely on tourism as a source of income. In 2011, Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe established the world’s largest transboundary protected region to help conserve wild expanses. The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area or KAZA encompasses 106 million acres—an area roughly the size of France.

Leaders of the five partner countries have a shared vision for the conservation area: to protect wildlife, promote tourism, and improve the wellbeing of local communities. They recognize that wildlife and conservation can contribute to development and poverty alleviation in rural communities. If KAZA succeeds, the model could inform similar initiatives across Africa.

WWF supported the development of KAZA and today, we are an important conservation partner to KAZA—collaborating to prevent poaching, conducting scientific research on wildlife; promoting habitat protection, and seeking opportunities for communities to manage and benefit from wildlife on their land. Take a look at some common questions and answers about this important area:

Website WWF Africa

Stichting Together (India)

Personal story

In 2012 I visited S.India where “Stichting Together”  is active to improve the lives of “Dalits”, the poorest people in India. Stichting Together is a small scale foundation which makes a big difference to lives of Indians. 

Website Stichting Together

Cocoa for Schools (Tanzania)

Personal story

I have known Fons Maex, the founder of the organisation “Cocoa for Schools”, for many years. We are both active in the candy business, Kim’s Chocolate in chocolates and Royal Fassin in sugar confectionery. Wof supports projects of Cocoa for schools.

Educate, enrich, empower

The "Cocoa for Schools" project is committed to improve the lives of thousands of cocoa farmers and their families in the Kyela, Busokelo and Rungwe districts of Mbeya, Tanzania. Investing in education is a huge part of this programme, as it has been shown to be the single most effective way of getting out of poverty.

Through the “Cocoa for Schools” project, Kim’s Chocolates works tirelessly to improve the infrastructure for education in the local communities. Our target is to build, complete or renovate in the next 10-12 years around 2100 classrooms and teacher's offices and to distribute around 430.000 school books. Beyond education, the project also assists farmers in a number of ways, including teaching agricultural skills, distributing new cocoa seedlings and providing solar electricity generating devices.

Website Cocoa for Schools

SoS Children villages (Chad)

Personal story

I have visited several SOS children villages with my Family. In 2015 I went to Chad in Africa with a team of the Dutch SOS Children Village's. Chad is like Madagascar, in that it is one of the poorest countries in the world. SOS makes a big difference to the communities.

This international organisation works in many countries with the same principle (see link website)

All over the world children are growing up without the care, protection and guidance they need. SOS Children's Villages is there, working with children, young people and families to tackle this global issue on a local level. They work to keep families together, provide alternative care when needed, support young people on their path to independence, and advocate for the rights of children. Together with donors, partners, communities and governments, we lay the foundations for a brighter future.

The mission of SoS children Villages is

Every child belongs to a family and grows up with love, respect and security.

The mission is to build
families for children need, and help them to shape their own futures, and share in the development of their communities.

Website SoS Children Villages

What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make

Jane Goodall

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others

Mahatma Gandhi

We must become the change we want to see

Mahatma Gandhi

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be

Lao Izu

We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give

Winston Churchill

Our book

Time flies is a journey through wisdoms of life which I bundled through my favorites quotes. As a child I was inspired by my Uncle Gustave Fassin who loved quotes and short poems.

I started to collect quotes at an early age. Those which meant most to me are bundled in this book. I hope you enjoy it.

100% of the revenue of this book will flow into my family Charity:
"Wings of Fascination"

To all Travelers of live: enjoy your journey!

Read the book


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Wings of Fascination
Ulenpasweg 8
7041 GB 's-Heerenberg
The Netherlands

+ 31 314 676 211